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Crowley had a little Lam

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:07 pm
by WolfyBauwow

"wizard who introduced himself as "Amalantrah"--who delivered exhortations to "find the egg." "

what is the whole egg thing about for Crowley? Not too much info on that. It reminds me of this guy...


Well in life things are never what you expect eh?

It seems good advice. That what matters is the wisdom of the Hua (egg) , it is the beginning and the source of power. Understanding the concept of the seed. The spark. The catalyst. What sets everything in motion. What initiates change. Or at least what we perceive it as, though it really seems to just be our awareness of that and chains of events and how things are linked together. But that IS the way to understanding.
From a place of personal power, our hua, the mana (inner wellspring of spirit power).. to thought... to butterfly effect = influence ... to creation-destruction.

For more on the importance on the Journey and ka Hua sourced from slide 5 :

"In common with most forms of magical procedure, rapport with Lam requires stern self-discipline and dedication to a higher purpose. "

With all that ritual, chantings and what nots? Seriously would all that really be necessary or important to an alien being??
I'd think the main thing would be not being a big douche!

hmm I don't know about all this stuff. I think perhaps if accounts were correct, Crowley was a big one, and the aliens gave it a shot but were fed up and split.
Lam was pretty civil and generous about the whole thing, IMHO.
It could have gone worse...